Sneak Peek: GIANT Creative Storybooks Written and Co-designed By GIANT Kids

Who wants to read a book about a land where everything is perfect until dragons come for a visit? How about a book about the craziest adventure that ends with a meatball from space? Now who could resist reading a book about a pig, a snake, a zombie, and a candy craze?! Stay tuned because a group of GIANT kids, who participated in our GIANT Herve Tullet-inspired Art Creative Storytelling Bootcamp; along with AI and a team of GIANT interdisciplinary artists, designers, and writers, are about to introduce their very own storybooks. And you don’t want to miss this launch!

“I read the preview, and I’m hooked! This is exactly what I want!” said one GIANT kid after seeing his finished publication. A parent of one of our authors exclaimed, “These designs look wonderful – the designer is very impressed! We love it!” We are thrilled to hear all of the wonderful reviews, and like all of our published authors, we feel an immense sense of pride seeing their storybooks come to life. One parent told us, “Thanks for all this, it is AMAZING! Tatum is so proud of it.”

GIANT Director of Product, Rebecca Schifilliti, was blown away by the participants’ creativity, imagination, storytelling skills, and expression. As she watched the kids develop their stories throughout the Creative Bootcamp, she was not only impressed with their work, but also with the feedback that they gave to hone in on their visions. “The feedback always, with out fail, makes the final outcome better than we could have imagined or designed ourselves,” she says. While on a live co-design online workshop with one participant, she received the most rewarding response when the participant said, “Is my book going to come to my door? Oh yay! Now I can read it every night before I go to sleep!” 

As always The GIANT Room likes to take it a step further. In this case, the GIANT design team co-designed character ID trading cards with the participants, and thoroughly enjoyed working on this element with the kids as well. The GIANT Room believes that when kids have a seat at the design table, and are sparked by their interests, they sky is the limit in terms of what they can create. As always, we are so proud of all the publications that bloomed from this Creative Bootcamp and we cannot wait for the next one when we can once again have the chance to co-design and remix with the most creative GIANT kids!

One GIANT parent said, “Thank you for your prompt response and for creating these beautiful workshops for creative kids!” And to that we say, the pleasure is ours! 

Stay tuned for the full selection of published storybook and character cards. In the meantime, please check out our GIANT Remix Studio.

Janet Bloom