The First of Its Kind: GIANT Remix Stations!

We are delighted to share the success of our GIANT Remix Collectible Egg-Hatchers collaboration with Connecticut State Libraries. Together, via our GIANT Remix Station, we co-created a game set using submissions from families in the library community. The GIANT Room is looking forward to bringing this STEM-ified engagement experience to more libraries, cultural institutions, and family venues. 

After the huge success of our GIANT Remix storybooks and GIANT Activity books within the Connecticut Library community, we took it a GIANT step further and created our very first GIANT Remix station. As an additional element that draws families to visit the library, it also brings an extra fun reason to stay a little longer! Through community co-creation, it is also provides a hands-on way to engage everyone; from the kids, their families, the librarians, the GIANT team, AI, and the local community at large.

Our GIANT Remix Collectible Egg-Hatchers Station was a hit this month at the Killingly Public Library. Kids had a blast submitting their drawings and unique traits for their “egg-hatchers”. They simply visited the on-site GIANT Remix station, completed a GIANT Egg-Hatcher creation card with their drawings and written prompts, then submitted their completed cards into our GIANT Remix station Remix box. Their drawings and prompts were remixed into magical Egg-Hatcher collectible trading cards, which are part of a whole game set complete with a game book and deck of cards.

Submissions ranged from adorable (check out Daisy the Dinosaur who carries around hearts and stuffed animals and helps others with the power or love, ice, and water), to avant-garde (Pink Bo who carries around “green” and can shape shift and change colors), to super inventive (Miss Colorful Mind who has sunglasses, a shovel, and spinner toy and can make playdough and has the power of friends).The power of imagination was very apparent in all of the submissions! You can check out the ultra-fun creations here! The games included in the game book, which you can play using the Egg-Hatcher collectible trading cards, include Slap Hatch, Storytelling Telephone, and more! 

Director of Library Innovation Dawn LaValle said, "This is the most impactful program we have offered through you. You have empowered us to share with the community." The Director of Programming at the Killingly Branch posted this testament to our on-site GIANT Game Set: Egg-Hatchers Collectible Trading Cards Remix station AND to invite families to submit additional GIANT Egg-Hatcher Collectible Trading card ideas through their website.