Getting Ready for Our "Broadway" Opening!

Over the last two weeks of May, we invited all GIANT kids to turn their room into a Broadway Show!

We had amazing performers, actresses, actors, song writers, dancers, designers, and voice actors joining us every day, guiding us through the process and answer any questions we had. One day we focused on designing models of our characters, the other day we came up with the story of our show. We then focused on costume design, writing songs, designing scenes and our stage, making instruments and creating music to tell our story on stage. We finally designed our playbills, poster for the show, and concessions and are all ready for our opening day!

Of course, you do need to put on make up before going on stage and that’s exactly what we’ll do today!

Here is a recipe to make your very own face paint at home using food coloring. If you don’t have food coloring at home, you can use turmeric, beet, or even carrots to add color to your lotion and then use as a face paint!

And don’t forger to join us today over zoom - we’ll get ready together!