STEAM (STEM + ARTS) News in Review: 4/15/2022

Our STEAM (STEM + Arts) News in Review for this week. Below are the articles we read and wanted to share. Enjoy!

Sculpting the world…literally! Have you ever been at the beach and found a bunch of shells or rocks and tried to make a design or face with them? Artist Jon Foreman takes things to a whole new level with his perfectly arranged formations. Check out his memorizing designs and learn more about his techniques in this article. Since his art takes place outside amidst the elements, it only lasts for a short time, but photos really leave you with a lasting impression of the beauty in the precision of the arrangements and inspire you to try it out yourself!

Colossal: Densely Arranged Stone Gradients Sweep Across the Sand in Jon Foreman’s Extraordinary Land Art

Metaverse for kids? It seems the metaverse trend continues to grow as more well-known brands launch something in the space. Just this week, the announcement, that Epic Games has formed a partnership with the toy brand The LEGO Group to launch a metaverse experience is the latest example. “The two companies will team up to build an immersive, creatively inspiring and digital experience for kids of all ages to enjoy together,” Epic and Lego said. There is no denying that the popularity of the game Roblox for kids has inspired many to follow in their footsteps. So it’s not surprising that despite details of exactly what the experience will entail for kids out of the partnership they have shared that it will give kids access to tools to create within the game, which is similar to Roblox. We’ll have to wait and see what shapes up, but the continued funding and energy around building in this direction provokes many questions of if all the hype is warranted? and how these tools will shape the future of entertainment and play experiences for kids?

Bezinga: Move over Roblox a LEGO themed metaverse could be coming

Rocks that totally rock! If you’re into geology or earth science this one is for you! According to recent research published in the Journal of Natural Materials, a type of ancient Namibian gemstone could be the future of quantum computing. Wait, rocks for computing? Yes! Read this article to learn more about “Rydberg polaritons” which essentially allow light and matter to continuously switch like two sides of a coin. The scientists in this study were able to capture Rydberg polaritons 100 times larger than ever demonstrated before. The potential value of this work could lead to quantum simulators to solve important mysteries of physics, chemistry, and biology, for example, how to make high-temperature superconductors for highspeed trains, how cheaper fertilizers could be made potentially solving global hunger, or how proteins fold making it easier to produce more effective drugs. Ancient Namibian stone could hold key to future quantum computers

All about the Bees! The bees just keep on giving in Minecraft. Recently, a user discovered a new way to use them that will inspire many new mini-games to come. Bees were first introduced in the Buzzy Bees release in 2019, and their inclusion in the game initially seemed like a minor one. The update centered around bees and the blocks that accompany them, such as honey and beehives, but players have since been able to create new ways to use them. In the latest discovery, a user simply placed minecarts on bees making floating platforms! This new dynamic is sure to inspire others to continue to build off of.

Minecraft Bees Can Create Some Really Fun Mini-Games

Kids inspiring kids. Read this article to learn how a nine-year girl turned her struggle with literacy into a hit YouTube channel inspiring other kids to do science. Through writing her own scripts and performing them in her videos she decided to learn on her own terms based on her interests. On her channel you can see her demonstrate how to make hand sanitizer at home, explode up a tabletop volcano and use a magnifying glass and the power of the sun to set fire to sticks, to name a few examples. Ava is now the STEM Princess, and head of Team Genius Squad, both a non-profit to advance STEM skills, but also a for-profit arm that sells lab kits, jewelry and apparel. Where she hopes to help others understand: “I want kids to know that they will always fulfill their dreams”.

Forbes: Young Entrepreneur Inspires Kids To Explore Science

Look up! Pink full moon all weekend. Make sure to look up this weekend and find a very full moon visible day or night. The pink moon will appear full from early Friday to Monday morning, according to NASA. It will be at its peak fullness on Saturday, April 16, at 2:55 p.m. ET. Don’t be fooled by the name however, the reasons it is called a “pink” moon are varied, one is because according to the Old Farmers Almanac full moons in April or spring are associated with the blossoming of the Phlox subulata plant, a pink wildflower native to eastern North America. After this pink moon, there are eight full moon events still to come in 2022 (according to the Farmers Almanac), with two of them qualifying as supermoons, so if you missed this one, be sure to check out the ones coming up!

CNN: Expect a full pink moon to shine this entire weekend

STEAM in NewsJess Mezei