Storytelling Genes!

Have you ever seen an Island Flamippo? Or an Immortal Octavia? How about a Carnivorous Glub? Or even a Long-eared Mojo?! See them ALL, plus more of the most unique hybrid creatures in Storytelling Genes: A GIANT Game Book! 

We are extremely honored to partner with Connecticut State Libraries to bring GIANT creative STEM experiences to the Connecticut community! This book was born of an epic Creative DNA-themed family workshop with The Bristol Public Library. We chose the book The Secret Code Inside You: All About Your DNA by Rajani Larocca to “spark” kids’ ideas at the start of the workshop. More than 30 participants joined, dreamed, created, and shared on that day. The result? This epic Game Set, featuring a game book and deck of cards that feature the most imaginative hybrid creatures with traits from real species that you can find in nature! 

Co-designed and co-written by more than 30 GIANT kids, AI, and a multidisciplinary team of artists, educators, and writers at The GIANT Room, this game set invites all kids (and adults) to invent the silliest, funniest, most interesting, and weirdest stories with a genetics theme!

Check out the AI avatars that accompany each card, dream up stories, and then, invite your family, friends, pets, teachers, and neighbors to play with you, too! Download the printable e-book and deck of cards, and then come up with the most epic stories. Let’s play!

Be sure to check out more GIANT Remix books, cards, and games co-designed by GIANT Kids, the GIANT Team, and AI! You can even publish your own GIANT Remix!