Martin Luther King Day of Service at Corlears School

We had another terrific experience at Corlears School’s latest Learn.Play.Grow event last Saturday! This time the theme was “Day of Service” in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.

We included activities that we felt honored MLK’s messages to always stay hopeful in the fight against adversity, and always hold love in our hearts.

We had three stations at our GIANT Room table. The first station invited children and parents to write a message of hope or love on a piece of paper and then turn it into a beautiful origami heart. Our instructors at the event gave tutorials on how to make these origami hearts, and participants even had the option to add an LED light powered by a coin battery to the heart at the end.

Our second station gave families the opportunity to build their own dream catchers and wind chimes, obviously inspired by the famous speech, and also with the intention of adding a new sense of wonder and serenity back into the home.

The third station was dreamt up by one of our GIANT instructors. This activity also involved origami, but this time participants made cranes. The crane is a symbol of hope in Japanese culture.

According to instructors, it was a very peaceful and pensive morning of crafting. Thank you to the Corlears School for inviting us to join in their Day of Service.