GIANT Spotlight: Meet Nathier!

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Name: Nathier Fernandez

Tell us a bit about yourself… My name is Nathier, and I am a designer, artist, and researcher from Colombia. A fun fact about me is that I always carry a pencil with me in case I see a tree that I want to draw.

What topics are you excited to teach about? I am very excited to teach creative technology, creative thinking, and science - with a particular focus on biology and art.

What is your favorite thing to do in New York City? I love walking about the city and finding new places to eat!

Tell us about your work. What projects have you worked on in the past? Are there any favorite projects you want to share, or favorite moments teaching? My work as an artist and researcher has two lines, but they somehow interconnect in one motif: Making visible what is invisible. 

The bioart front deals with our relationship with other organisms. Its focus at the moment is the capability of DNA to store data, language, and speculative design. 

The new media line creates visual interpretations of actions that humans create when we interact with each other, or with spaces or machines. Often these interactions are translated by clumsy machines.

What is something you want to learn, or are learning right now? Currently, I am focusing on my coding skills. There are so many exciting things to do and different softwares for different implementations. 

Right now, I am learning shaders to create visual interpretations of biological phenomena. I am just going step by step. I am also learning how to make bioplastics and natural inks at home!

Example Projects:

GIANT SpotlightGuest User