STEAM (STEM + Arts) News in Review: 10/25/19

Our STEAM (STEM + Arts) News in Review for this week. Below are the articles we read focused on kids, education, technology, and art. Join our conversation and share your thoughts with us in comments:

NYTimes: Art By The Numbers

The latest exhibit at the National Museum of Mathematics aims to bridge the gap between art and math this month by featuring origami, showcasing the importance of geometry, patterns, and math theory within the japanese science of paperfolding. 

Big Think: Why More Play is the Key To Creativity and Productivity 

We’ve heard the importance of play for children, but what about adults? This article shares research behind play and why it might be the key to innovative thinking and creativity in adults. If you’re looking for somewhere to unleash your creativity, join us at The GIANT Room for open studio hours :)

TIME: How Big Data Can Improve the Health of the World’s Most Vulnerable: Mothers and Children

Often, the news around big data can be alarming. However, this article shares a great example a potential way that it can be utilized for good; benefiting and aid those who are most in need. 

Science Mag: New Video Reveals How Flies Land Upside Down

This article shares exciting new research of a question scientists have been grappling with for decades. How do flies land upside down? Using high-speed video to capture and analyze more flies, scientists are now able to analyze and share how these flies stick their inverted landings. 

CNET: This 11 Year Old CEO Wants To Teach Kids Everywhere To Code

Meet Samaira Mehta, an entrepreneur and philanthropist whose goal is to get 1 billion kids into coding by the time she graduates college, around 2030. In this interview, she shares her thoughts on technology, how she fell in love with coding, and an inspiring message for young kids everywhere. 

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